The UniCorn team had the honor of welcoming representatives from the Science Fund and World Bank experts in sustainable development and environmental protection as part of the regular project progress review.
The project was presented by the project leader, Dr. Biljana Dojnov, alongside the UniCorn team, while members of the IHTM Office for International Cooperation and Projects and UBHF also participated in the meeting.
This inspiring visit strengthens our commitment to achieving the project’s goals, emphasizing environmental protection and sustainable development.
At the recent Food Tech 2024 congress, members of the UniCorn project team presented significant results highlighting their innovative research and technological advances. They presented results that highlight the importance of selecting and purifying enzymes for the production of by-product-free, high-yield functional food ingredients, emphasizing the impact of the project on food quality and safety. Interacting with a diverse audience, the team discussed opportunities for collaboration and future applications of their work in the food industry. Their contribution not only demonstrated the achievements of the project, but also encouraged dialogue on solving global food challenges.
On Friday, September 27, 2024, a YSLT training was held, at which Višnja Kosić shared her experiences and knowledge acquired during her stay at "Loschmidt Laboratories" at Masaryk University and the International Center for Clinical Research, St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno, Czech Republic. Višnja presented the topic "Improving (thermo)stability of Pullulanase Enzyme", along with the tools she used in her research. The interactive training was adapted to the interests of the participants, young researchers of the project UniCorn.
Notable participation of UniCorn project researchers at the XIII conference of the Serbian Biochemical Society entitled "Amplifying Biochemistry Concepts", held on 19-20 September 2024 in Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia and presenting part of his ongoing research within this project.
We are excited to announce that our researchers from the UniCorn project participated in the 5th Enzyme and Bioprocess Days conference, held from August 27th to 29th in Izmir, Turkey. During the event, they had the opportunity to present part of their research, as well as the UniCorn project, which is funded by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia through the PRIZMA program. We are proud to be part of this innovative journey!
The entire Nauka Privredi TV show about our UniCorn project. Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Institute of Chemistry, Technology & Metallurgy, University of Belgrade
We are pleased to announce that as part of the UniCorn project, our first scientific paper has been published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. The paper is titled "A Simple and Fast HPLC Method for Determining the Composition of Fructooligosaccharides and Xylooligosaccharides Obtained by Fungal Enzymes". This paper presents a tailored HPLC-RID method for the detection of two classes of prebiotics: fructooligosaccharides and xylooligosaccharides. The method is validated according to international standards and demonstrates high precision, accuracy, and specificity. The analysis was successfully applied to food samples, even those with complex matrices. This is a significant advancement for our project and research in the field of prebiotics. We thank all collaborators for their contributions.
LINK: Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 133 (2024) 106459The UniCorn project, the Prizma program, financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, got its new web presentation - a website...
The UniCorn project, from the Prizma program, acquired new equipment necessary for the realization of this project. At IHTM - Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, a QuantStudio 1 real-time PCR system from Thermo Fisher Scientific was installed. The first trial experiment was successfully completed!
The first Young Scinetist Forum (YSF) was held in the organization of the UniCorn Prizma project. Young researchers and PhDs at the beginning of their careers presented the topics of parts of their research within the framework of the project, after which a longer discussion was held regarding the presented topics and potential problems and doubts.
The manager and researchers of the UniCorn Prizma project attended a meeting with representatives of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia during their visit to IHTM - Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy.